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DIL DIGEST of the Laws relating to the Militia, Eegular and Local; with the adjudged Cases, opinion of eminent Counsel, numerous Precedents, and exact References to the several Statutes. 2d ed. M-ith Additions. 8vo. London. 1814. of the Acts of Parliament for the Prevention of Smug- gling, by which the Persons offending are liable to Arrest and Commitment, or to be fined, or punished in a summary manner, and in certain Cases, to be sent into His Majesty's Service. Bvo. London. 1821. of the existing Commercial Regulations of Foreign Countries, with which the United Slates have Litercourse. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1824-30. of adjudged Cases in the Court of King's Bench, from the Revolution to the year 1775. fol. London. 1775. of the Law concerning Libels, containing all the Resolu- tions in the books on that subject, and many manuscript Cases, illustrated with occasional Observations ; to which is added a Supplement, containing considerable Additions. By John Rayner. 4to. London. 1770. DIGESTED INDEX of the Chancery Reports, containing the points of Equity, determined in the High Court of Chancery, from 1689 to 1805. 2d ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1807. " The editor has not thought fit to give us his name ; but whoever he may be, he has no reason for being ashamed of such useful labors." 39 Mon. Rev. 216. , with names of Cases to the 19 volumes of Vesey's Reports. 8vo. London. 1822. DILLON, SIR J. Case of the Children of his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex, elucidated ; a Juridical Exercitation. 4to. London. 1832. . Collection of Papers, elucidating the Claims, and explaining the Proceedings in Chancery, of Sir Augustus d'Este. 8vo. London. 1832. DILLON, J. J. Considerations on the Royal INIarriage Act, and on the Application of that Statute to a Marriage contracted and solemnized out of Great Britain. 8vo. London. 1811. 267