Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/281

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DOD DIXON, R. A Practical Treatise on the Law relative to Title Deeds and other Documents, in which are principally considered the Cases relating to the Duty and Responsibility of Attornies and Solicitors concerning the same. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1826. . Degrees of Consanguinity and Affinity described and delineated. 12mo. London. 1074. DOBIE, A. A Collection of English Styles ; or, Forms for the Use of the Profession of the Law in Scotland ; to which is added a Table, showing who is entitled to the Administration of an Intes- tate's Estate, and the INIanner in which the same is disposed of by the Statute of Distribution. Svo. London. 1824. DOCTOR AND STUDENT. Sec Saint-German. DOCTRINE OF DEMURRERS ; setting forth a variety of Prece- dents of Demurrers, in all sorts of Actions ; and in all the several parts of Pleading. By R. G. Svo. London. 1706. DOCTRINA PLACITANDI. See Euer. DODD, C. E. Doubtful Questions in the Law of Elections, stated and canvassed. Svo. London. 1826. DODERIDGE, SIR JOHN. The Laws of Nobility, Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, &c., their Title and Distinctions, &c., according to the Customs of England. 12mo. London. 1658. This is " a great authority" on the subject of grants of peerage. 2 Dow. & CI. 204, 207. . The English Lawyer; describing a method of managing the Laws of this Land, and expressing the best quali- ties requisite in the Student, Practiser, Judges, and Fathers. 4to. London. 1631. In the first part of the volume the author lays down precepts for the guidance of the student and advocate ; and the second part consists of an exposition of the rules and maxims of the law. Mr. Justice Dod- dridge was a jurist of great learning, whose misfortune it has been to have several of his works ushered into the world under the names of others, "and to lay long entombed in earth before those laurels which should have adorned his grave upon his exit, spread forth to perpetuate his name." He is the reputed author of Blrcfs Magazine of Honour, Sheppard^s Touchstone, and JFenfworiVs Executors. His writings are much esteemed. Bridg. Bib. 9G ; 2 L. M. N. S. 115; 3 East, 382; 2 Brod. & B. 540. 269