Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/288

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DUG DRUMMONI), T. B. Forms of Proceedings before the Sheriff Courts in Scotland; also, before the Sheriffs, as Commissaries, within their respective jurisdictions, &;c. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1826. DRURY, W. B. AND F. W. WALSH. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, in Ireland, in the time of Lord Chancellor Plunkett. 2 vols. Svo. Dublin. 1839-42. DRURY, W. B. AND ROBERT R. WARREN. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, during the time of Lord Chancellor Sugden. 4 vols. Svo. Dublin. 1841. DRURY, W. B. An Analytical Digest of all the Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of Common Law and Equity, Nisi Prius, and on Circuit, from Nov. 1838, to Nov. 1839. 8vo. Dublin. 1840. DUANE, W. View of the Relation of Landlord and Tenant in Pennsylvania. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1844. DUANE, WILLIAM J. The Law of Nations Investigated in a popular manner. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1809. DU BOYS, A. Histoire du Droit Criminelle des Peuples An- ciennes. Svo. Paris. 1845. DUBREUIL, M. Analyse Raisonnee de la Legislation sur les Eaux. Nouvelle ed. Par Tardif et Cohen. 2 torn. Svo. Aix. 1842-43. DUCANGE, . Glossarinm Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, Con- ditum a Carolo Du Fresne, Domino Du Cange ; cum Supplementis Integris Monachorum Ordinis, S. Benedicti, D. P. Carpenterii ; et Additiamentis Adelungii, et Aliorum, suisque Digessit, G. A. L. Henschel. 7 tom. 4to. Parisiis. 1840-46. The first edition appeared in 3 vols., fol., Paris, 1678 ; the 2d, 2 vols., fol., Lugduni, 1G88; and the 3d, G vols., fol., Paris, 1733, very much cnlaro-ed, by the Benedictine monks. In 1766, Carpentier published a Supplement in 4 vols,, folio. These two works were abridged by J. C. Adelung, and published in 6 vols., 8vo., Halle, 1772 ; 2d ed., 1784. The new edition, above mentioned, is most elegantly printed with Car- pentier's Supplement, and other additions, inserted in their alphabetical 276