Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/294

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DUT Venice, 8vo., in 1750. " It is not only very learned, but lays down and applies the leading principles of the law distinctly and methodically, and contains a great deal of practical information." Reddie's Mar. Com. 359. DURANTON, A. Traite des Contrats et des Obligations ea General, Suivant le Code Civil. 4 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1819. DURNFORD, C. and E. H. EAST. Reports of Cases in the Court of K. B., from M. T. 26 Geo. III., 1785, to T. T. 40 Geo. III., 1800 ; a new edition, (5th,) with references. 8 vols. Bvo. London. 1817. 3d American ed. 8 vols, in 4. 8vo. New York. 1834. Until the time of Durnford and East, it was not the custom to publish Reports periodically, and the profession were perplexed to know the precise state of the law on many subjects. To remedy this inconve- nience, these reporters began to publish at the end of each Term, the Cases that had been decided during the Term, which gave their volumes the name of Tei-m Reports. They modestly state in their Preface, that "In a work of this kind all that can be expected is accuracy; to polish and digest properly, requires a long time and much labour, which W'ould defeat the intention of this publication, the primary object of which is to remedy the inconvenience felt by every part of the profession, of wait- ing two or three years till some gentleman of experience and ability has collected sufficient to form a complete volume." Notwithstanding what was then thought to be great rapidity of publication, their labors are distinguished for accuracy and fidelity, and have always sustained a high reputation. It has been alleged, however convenient it may be to prac- titioners, that their example has had a deteriorating effect upon the law In England, by breaking down the old checks upon reporting, and open- ing the way to the vast throng of reporters who are daily manufacturing authorities. The Cases in the Term Reports are circumstantially and fully reported, and no English Reports are oftener cited in American Courts than these, and their successors, East's Reports. 4 L. M. 13 ; 27 Month. Rev. 308 ; (34) 20; Bridg. Leg. Bib. 105. DUTIES and Responsibilities of Executors and Administrators ; with an Appendix, showing the Rate of Duty payable on Pro- bates and Letters of Administration ; with the Method of recover- ing such Duty when overpaid ; and also the Rate of Duty payable on Legacies and Shares of Residue. 8vo. London. 1823. and Liabilities of Executors and Administrators under the Stamp Acts, with the Forms recognized at the Legacy Office ; and Practical Directions for adjusting and passing Accounts, in- 282