Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/311

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EVA ESSAY on the Right of Angling in the River Thames, and in all other public Navigable Rivers, in which the public Right to Angle in all such Rivers is stated and proved. 8vo. Reading. 1789. Pamplilet. EUER, SAMPSON. Doctrina Placifandi, ou I'art ct Science de Bon Pleading. 4to. London. 1G77. The Ducirina Placilandi, the best of the old Treatises upon Pleading, was formerly in the highest repute. Chief Justice Willes said, that there was more law and learning in Doctrina Placitandi, than in any book he knew ; and that it contained the substance of all the pleadings in the Year Books and Coke's Reports. Other judges have been equally warm in its praises. It is little else, however, than an accurate alphabetical digest of Cases upon Pleading, the substance of which will be found in Stephens' Pleading, and Solomon Euer is now far advanced upon the road of forgotten authors. 2 Wilson, 88; 1 Crompt. & J. 317; 2 East, 340; Pref. to Stephens' PI. ; 6 N. A. Rev. 62. . A System of Pleading, including a Translation of the Doctrina Placitandi, or the Art and Science of Pleading, by S. Euer ; translated from the obsolete Norman French ; with an Introduction, explaining the different Terms made use of in the Proceedings of each respective Court. By a Gentleman of the Middle Temple. 4to. London. 1771. EUNOMUS. See JVynne. EVANS, W. D. The Practice of the Common Pleas, Lancaster. 8vo. London. 1814. . Essay on the Action for Money had and received, on the Law of Insurances, and on Bills and Notes. 8vo. London. 1802. Edited by F. X. Martin. 8vo. Newbern. 1802. . A General View of the Decisions of Lord Mans- field in Civil Causes. 2 vols. 4to. 1803. Mr. Evans has arranged the decisions and dicta of Lord Mansfield upon the plan of Blackstone's Commentaries. This dictionary of deci- sions is of doubtful utility, and never had but a very circumscribed circulation. EVANS, II. D. An Essay on Pleading, with a view to an Im- proved System. 8vo. Baltimore. 1827. . Maryland Common Law Practice. 8vo. Baltimore. 1839. 299