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EXT EXAMEN LEGUM ANGLIiE ; or, the Laws of England ex- amined by Scripture, Antiquity, and Reason. 4to. London. 1656. EXAMEN du Gouvernement d'Angleterre compare aux Constitu- tions des Etats-Unis, etc. 8vo. London. 1789. EXCHEQUER. The Practice of the Exchequer Court, with its several Offices and Officers. By S. T. F. Bvo. London. 1658. . The Modern Practice of the Court of Exchequer. 8vo. London. 1731. . The Practice of the Office of Pleas of the Court of Exchequer epitomized. 8vo. London. 1824. EXECUTIVE JUSTICE. Thoughts on Executive Justice, with respect to our Criminal Laws, particularly on the Circuits. 12mo. London. 1785. EXECUTORS. The Law of Executors and Administrators ; being Directions for the Management of their Office and Duty ; of Probates of Wills, and of Codicils, of Executors de son tort, of Joint Executors, Executor of Executor, of Administrations committed, how, and by whom, and to whom ; of Bona Nota- bilia, and Pleadings, &;c. 8v'o. London. 1702. . The Office and Duty of Executors. 8vo. Lon- don. 1641. See Wentworth. . A Practical Treatise on the Duties and Responsi- bilities of Executors and Administrators. 8vo. London. 1823. Plain Instructions to Executors and Administrators. 8vo. London. 1824. EXPOSITIONES TERMINORUM LEGUM ANGLORUM; et Natura Brevium, cum Diversis Casibus, Regulis, et Funda- mentis Legum, tarn de Libris Magistri Litteltoni, quam de aliis Legum Libris Collectis, et breviter Compilatis, pro Juvinibus valde Necessariis. 8vo. London. 1527. See Rastdl. EXTON, JOHN. 3Iantime Discxologie ; or, Sea Jurisdiction of England, in three books. I. Setting forth tiie Antiquity of 301