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GRE interruptions. It is, therefore, the product of temjmra incisa, the gold filings of time, diligently and generously applied for the common benefit oP the profession. 27 A. J. 237, 379 ; 5 L. R. 49 ; (G) 521 ; (9) 90; 1 Pa. L. J. 158 ; Duer on Insurance, 170, n; Joy on Confessions, App. B. ; Warren's Law Stu. 755. GREENLEAF, SIMON. A full Collection of Cases, Overruled, DenieJ, Doubted, or Limited in their application, taken from American and English Reports. 8vo. Portland. 1821. 3d ed. By E. Hammond. 8vo. New York. 1840. For the original conception and final preparation of this very useful book, the profession are indebted to one of those mishaps, that its mem- bers sometimes encountered in the country, when law libraries were not as numerous as at present. The author, early in his professional life, had occasion to advise upon, and finally to argue a cause, which mainly depended upon an English Case supposed to be good law. Upon the day of trial, after proceeding with his argument, he adduced the Case relied upon as in point, and decisive of the question, whereupon he was informed by the Court that it was all very well, hut the Case in question had quite recently been overruled. He, of course, lost his cause, but from that time resolved to ascertain what Cases had been overruled or questioned, and the above volume, prepared under no ordinary disad- vantages, is the result of his researches. The utility of such a work, carefully continued, is indisputable, and would require no ordinary share of diligence in its preparation. The task has been partially performed, but an oversight in the first edition seems to have escaped the editor of the third, viz: the point overruled, or limited in its application, is fre- quently omitted. The second edition purported to be by Professor Green- leaf, but he had nothing to do with either the second or third, and all additions, since the first, are by other hands. 15 N. A. Rev. 65 ; (22) 30 ; Bentham's Legislation, by Neal, 61 ; manuscript note in Overruled Cases in Dane Law Lib. . A Digest of Greenleaf's Reports of Cases in the Supreme Judicial Court of the State of Maine, from 1820 to 1832, inclusive. 8vo. Portland. 1835. This Digest is also included in the last volume of the author's Reports. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court of Maine, from 1820 to 1831. 9 vols. 8vo. Hallowell and Portland. 1822-35. In these Reports the statements of the Cases are condensed, yet clear, the arguments of counsel are arranged with logical exactness, and a well conceived brevity; yet they are allowed to be in substance given, and 348