Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/397

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HIG Littleton." " Sir Thomas Hetley's Reports are profitable for reading, he being one set apart for that purpose." Phillips' Stu. Leg. 117; Pref, Douglas' Rep. ; Eunomus, 507 ; 4 L. M. 9 ; Pref. to the Reports. HEY WOOD, S. A Digest of the Law concerning Borough Elec- tions. 8vo. London. 1797. . A Digest of the Law concerning County Elec- tions, containing the Duty and Authority of the High Sheriff, &c. ; together with the Qualifications and Disqualifications of the Voters. 2d ed., enlarged. 8vo. London. 1812. . A Dissertation upon the Distinctions in Society, and Ranks of the People under the Anglo-Saxon Governments. 8vo. London. 1818. HICKERINGH.L, EDM. The Test or Tryal of the goodness and value of Spiritual Courts, fol. London. 1683. HICKS, FAB. An Abridgment of Plowden's Commentaries. 12mo. London. 1650, 1659. These editions vary in the paging. HIGDEN, WILLIAM. A View of the English Constitution, with respect to the sovereign Authority of the Prince, and the Alle- giance of the Subject. 8vo. London. 1709. HIGGES, J. A Guide to Justices, containing a great variety of Precedents. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1751. HIGHMORE, A. An Arrangement of the Accounts necessary (o be kept by Executors, agreeably to the Statute, 55 Geo. III., c. 184. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1821. . A Practical Arrangement of the Laws of Excise, wherein the Statutes and Adjudged Cases, affecting Officers, Smugglers, &c., are carefully digested ; to which is added an Appendix of Precedents of Convictions. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1796. . A Succinct View of the History of Mortmain, and the Statutes relative to Charitable Uses ; with a full Exposition of the late Statute of Mortmain, 9 Geo. II., c. 36, and its subse- quent Alterations, &;c. 2d ed., witit many additional Cases, and several not hitherto reported. 8vo. London. 1809. 25 385