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JAC JACOB, GILES. The general Laws of Estates; or, Freeholder's Companion ; Rights and Qualifications to be Members of Parlia- ment, Electors, Justices of Peace, and Jurymen, and to Kill Game, erect Dove-Cotes, &c. 8vo. London. 1740. . A Law Dictionary ; explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law, in Theory and Practice, Defining and Interpreting the Terms and Words of Art, and comprising copious Information, Historical, Political, and Com- mercial, on the subjects of our Law, Trade and Government; greatly Enlarged and Improved by many material Corrections and Additions, from the latest Statutes, Reports, and other accu- rate publications. By T. E. Tomlins, Esq. of the Inner Temple. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1809. 1st American ed. 6 vols. Bvo. New York. 1818. See Tomlins. The ninth and tenth editions were published under the editorial care of Owen Ruffhead and John Morgan, who made large additions, fob, London, 1772-82. Mr. Tomlins' edition is the latest and best. .- . . The Student's Companion ; or. Reason of the Law ; containing Readings on the Common and Statute Laws of this Realm, alphabetically Digested under Heads, Clearing and Illustrating in the said Readings, the most difllcult Points, not only in the Statutes, but likewise in several hundred Cases in Law and Equity. 2d and 3d ed. enlarged, and are the same. 8vo. London. 1734, 1743. _ . A Treatise of Laws ; or, a general Introduction to the Common, Civil, and Canon Law, 3 Parts. I. The Common Law of England, Illustrated in a great variety of Maxims, &c. II. Of the Civil Law, intermixed with the Laws of Nations and its use here in England, &c. HI. The Canon Law, and Laws Ecclesiastical; containing the Rights of the English Clergy, of Patrons of Churches, Courts Ecclesiastical, Trials, &c. 8vo. London. 1721. JACOBSON, FREDERICK J. The Laws of the Sea, with refer- ence to Maritime Commerce, during Peace and War, translated from the German. By Wm. Friek. 8vo. Baltimore. 1818. "Whatever practical jurists among the Italians, French, English, Dutch, Danish, and Germans, have written and suggested upon the sub- ject, applicable to these times ; whatever is contained in the sea laws 418