Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/446

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KEI called Rastall's. It was, from time to time, re-printed, and continued bj additional vols. The translation of the Statutes, previous to Hen. VII., contained in all the editions called Keble's, vs^as copied from the latest edition of Pulton. Brooke's Bib. Leg. Ang. 170; Intro, to Stat, of Realm, 23. KEBLE, JOSEPH. Assistance to Justices of the Peace, for the easier Performance of their Duty. fol. London. 1689. — : — . Reports in the Court of K. B. from the 12th to the 30th year of the Reign of King Charles IL 3 vols. fol. London. 1685. " And as to the Cases, I chose rather to present them as rudely as taken, with the particular times of Debate, and such number Rolls thereof as I then had, than, by a more methodical digestion, to obscure the truth and certainty of the matter. And, on consideration of the various accidents that happen from the beginning to the end of a case, I know no better way to express it." So it appears that the Reports are the rough published notes, without being pruned or elaborated ; which have occasionally been cited with approbation, but more generally condemned. Mr. Chance remarks, that " in former times, Keble's Reports were forbidden to be quoted, and it is to be regretted that any reference is ever made to them ;" and Sir E. Sugden, in commenting upon the Case of Briers v. BouUoh, says, " like most of the Cases in the same Reporter, it is scarcely pos- sible to comprehend it." Park, J., after hearing Lord Kenyon's censures upon Keble's Reports, upon returning home burned his copy, not think- ing it worth while to keep a refuse book in his library. Lord Campbell calls Keble " a drowsy Serjeant, known only for some bad Law Reports." Pref. to the Reports; Sugden on Powers, 456 ; Chance on Powers, § 1219 ; 3 Camp. Lives, 43 ; 1 Wood. Lee. 99 n ; 1 Leg. Exam. & L. C. 203 ; Ram on Legal Judg. 104 ; 8 A. J. 268. KEEN, BENJAMIN. Reports of Cases in Chancery, argued and determined in the Rolls Court during the Time of Lord Lang- dale, Master of the Rolls. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1837-39. KEILWEY, ROBERT. Reports d'Ascuns Cases qui ont evenus aux Temps des Roys Henry VH., et Henry VHL, et ne sent comprises deins les Livres des termes et ans demesnes les Roys. Seliges hors des papieres de R. Keilwey ; par Jean Croke. La tierce edition, fol. London. 1688. This volume consists principally of decisions not elsewhere to be found, and the author seems to have been the first collector of Cases who gave his labours the name of Reports. They were not published till after Keilwey's death, and are only selections from the author's MSS. made 434