Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/453

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KIN KINAHAN, D. The Office and Duty of Churchwarden, under the Vestry Acts, 7 Geo. IV., c. 72, and 3 & 4 Will. IV., c. 37. 8vo. Dublin. 1835. . A Digest of the Bankruptcy Act, 6 Will. IV., c. 14; with Notes, Index, (fee. 12mo. Dublin. 1836. . A Digested Index to the Irish Equity Reports, together with the Cases upon Appeals, from Ireland, in the Eng- lish Reports. 8vo. Dublin. 1830. KING, EDW. An Essay on the English Constitution and Govern- ment. 8vo. London. 1767. KING. See Chancery. KINNE, ASA, The most Important Parts of Blackstone's Com- mentaries, reduced to Questions and Answers. 2d ed., improved and enlarged ; with Index and Glossary. 3d ed. 8vo. New York. 1842. The questions, by a strange coincidence, are an almost literal tran- script from Field's Analysis of Blackstone's Commentaries, to which Mr. Kinne has affixed answers. " The questions are useful to the stu- dent ; but, with the answers appended, they are about as useful as a school boy's arithmetic, in which each problem is worked out at large." 21 A. J. 486 ; 29 N. A. Rev. 487 ; 2 L. R. 158, 281. , The most Important Parts of Kent's Commentaries on American Law, reduced to Questions and Answers. 2d ed., with an Index and Glossary. 8vo. New York. 1840. . A Law Compendium. Questions and Answers on Law, Alphabetically arranged, with Reference to the most Ap- proved Authorities. 6 vols. 8vo. New York. 1844-46. KINSEY, CHARLES. An Abridgment, being a Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court, on Certiorari, to Courts for the Trial of Small Causes, from May Term, 1806, to February Term, 1813. 8vo. Burlington. 1815. KINSEY, . The Laws of New Jersey, from the Surrender of the Government, by the Proprietors of East and West Jersey, to Queen Ann, on the I5th April, 1702, to 4 Geo. II., 1731. fol. Philadelphia. 1732. 441