Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/464

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LAW LAWES, EDWARD. Rules and Orders of the Superior Courts of Common Law, from the commencement of the Reign of Wra. IV. to H. T., 8th Vict. ; with Notes and a copious Index. 8vo. London. 1845. " Great pains have been taken by Mr. Lawes, in the notes, to state the effect of the decisions on the several rules, showing the construction which the Court has put upon them, and the principle intended to he established." 29 L. O. 440. . The Declaration on Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, &c.. Illustrated and Explained ; also, the Judicial Forms of Trinity, 1 Will. IV., and some others ; with References to the Text annexed to each Allegation. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1844. " The several statements and allegations in each part of a declaration, are clearly explained and well exemplified." Some parts of the second edition are re-written. 24 L. O. 102; (28) 275. . A Practical Treatise on Charter Parties, Affreight- ment, Bills of Lading, and Stoppage in Transitu. 8vo. London. 1813. " This Treatise contains a more circumstantial exposition of the nature of Charter Parties and Bills of Lading, than is to be found in any other language." Introd. Jacobson's Sea Laws, 32. . An Elementary Treatise on Pleading in Civil Actions. 8vo. London. 1806. 1st American ed. 8vo. Ports- mouth. 1808. " In the present Treatise the arrangement is happy, and the statements perspicuous. Though elementary, it will be found comprehensive and instructive. 5 Month. Anth. 162. — . A Practical Treatise on Pleading in Assumpsit. 8vo. London. 1810. 1st American ed., with Notes. By Joseph Story. 8vo. Boston. 1811. The author seems to have collected every decision on the subject, that was made in the English Courts prior to its compilation, but he fails to give us any test by which the continually recurring contradictions can be tried, or by which, with the author's help, one can determine which is risrht and which wrong. 8 A. J. 82. LAWS. The Laws concerning Masters and Servants, viz. : Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors, Apprentices, Menial Servants, Labour- ers, Journeymen, Artificers, &c. 12mo. London. 1768. 452