Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/471

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LEO LEIGH, P. B. A Practical Treatise on the Poor Laws ; with Forms and Statutes, founded upon the New Act, arranged in the order of Nolan's Practical Treatise ; adapted to the use of Magis- trates, Parish Officers, and Sessions Practice ; and containing the latest Decisions. 12ino. London. 1838. . The Law Student's Guide ; containing an Histo- rical Treatise on each of the Inns of Court, with their Rules and Customs respecting Admission, Keeping Forms, Call to the Bar, Chambers, &c., Remarks on the Jurisdiction of the Benches, Observations on the Study of the Law, and other useful informa- tion. 12mo. London. 1827. LEIGH, J. H. AND R. DALZELL. A Treatise on the Equitable Doctrine of the Conversion of Property. 8vo. London. 1825. See Law Library. " The subject is becoming as important and practical in this country, as in England; and has been clearly, succinctly, and ably treated." Hoff. Leg. Stu. 403. LE MARCHANT, D. Report of the Proceedings of the House of Lords, on the Claims of the Barony of Gardner; with an Appendix, containing Cases illustrative of the Law of Legitimacy. 8vo. London. 1828. LEMONNIER, CHARLES. Commentaire sur les Principales Polices d'Assurance Maritime usitees en France. 2 tom. Svo. Paris. 1843. A reviewer says, in concluding a notice of the work : " We quit our notice of it with regret ; regret at being obliged to make so brief and superficial a review of so valuable a work, one so full in its state- ments of the French Law, and so valuable to every lawyer who looks upon the insurance code with eyes of enlarged and liberal reflection." 8 Law Rep. 56. LEONARD, WILL. Reports and Cases of Law, argued and ad- judged in the Courts at Westminster, in the Times of the late Queen Elizabeth and King James. 4 Parts, with Tables. Pub- lished by Wm. Hughes. 2d ed., with the addition of many thou- sand References, fol. London. 1687. In the preface to Leonard's Reports, Hughes says : " These Cases having been lately truly and carefully translated by me out of the ori- ginal French copy into English, have, since the translation thereof, been 459