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MAR which he might have drawn light to guide him in his decisions ; the latter gathered information from every available source, to adorn or strengthen judgments which have received the admiration of all enlightened nations. One are the enlightened opinions of wisdom, the other of will, contracted and illiberal in their views, the offspring of a conceited and poorly bal- anced mind. Marriott strove to rival Lord Mansfield in judicial reputa- tion, but no parallel is discovered. Judge Story gives a true character of Marriott's judicial labours : " He never gave a decision, that he was aware of, that any Court would feel bound to follow ; and a volume published by himself, established, if any thing could, the utter worth- lessness of his judicial opinions." 21 A. J. 118 ; 2 L. R. 126. MARRIOTT, WILLIAM. The Country Gentleman's Lawyer, and the Farmer's Complete Law Library. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1801. MARSHALL, C. Reports in the Common Pleas, containing Cases from Mich. 54, to Mich. 57 Geo. III. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1815-18. MARSHALL, E. A Treatise on the British Constitution. 8vo. London. MARSHALL, ALEX. K. Decisions of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, from 1817 to 1821. 3 vols. 8vo. Washington. 1819-26. MARSHALL, JAMES. A Manual of the New Bankrupt Act, 2 & 3 Vict., cap. xli. ; comprising Synopsis, Forms of Procedure, and an Appendix, containing the Act; with a copious Index. Svo. London. 1S39. MARSHALL, JOHN. The Writings of John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the United States, upon the Federal Constitution. 8vo. Boston. 1839. This is a selection from the Decisions of Chief Justice Marshall, made by Mr. Perkins, of Cincinnati. 22 A. J. 147. MARSHALL, J. J. Reports of Cases at Law and Equity, argued and determined in the Court of Appeals, of the Commonvveath of Kentucky. 7 vols. 8vo. Frankfort. 1831-34. MARSHALL, (Chief Justice.) Opinion in the Case of Garnet r. Macon. By Jos. Tate. Svo. Richmond. 1825. 499