Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/52

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40 ABBREVIATIONS. Strah, Dom. Str. Stroud Dig. Stuart L. C. R. Sturg. B. L. Sturg. Insolv. D. Sug. P. Sug. V. & P. Sul. Lect. Sul. L. Tit. Sum. C. C. R. Sum. Ves. Supp. Ves. Jan. Swans. Swan. Eccl. Ch. Swift. Ev. Swinb. Spo. Swin. Swin. Desc. Sw. Syme. Tait. E. Tait's J. P. or T. J. Tal. Taml. or Tam. Taml. T. Y. Taunt. Tay. Tay. Civ. L. Temp. Ten. Rep.C) T. R. E.orT. E.R.C^) Temp. Geo. II. T. R.() T. L. T. U. P. Charlt. Theo. Am. A. Strahan's Domat. Strange's Reports. Stroud's Digest. Stuart's Lower Canada Reports. Sturgeon's Bankrupt Law. Sturgeon on the Insolvent Debtors' Act. Sugden on Powers. Sugden's Vendors and Purchasers. Sullivan's Lectures. Sullivan's Land Titles. Sumner's Circuit Court Reports. Sumner's Edition of Vesey's Reports. Supplement to Vesey, Jr.'s Reports. Swanston's Reports. Swan on Ecclesiastical Courts. Swift's Evidence. Swinburne on Spousals. Swinburne on Wills. Swinburne on Descents. Swinton's Reprrts in the Court of Justiciary. Syme's Reports in the Court of Justiciary. Tait on Evidence. Tait's Justice of the Peace. Talbot's Cases in Equity. (Fi'rfe Ca. temp. Talb.) Tamlyn's Reports. Tamlyn on Terms for Years. Taunton's Reports. Taylor's Reports. Taylor's Civil Law. Tempore. Tennessee Reports. Tempore Regis Edwardi. Cases in Chancery, tempore Geo. II. Teste Rege — Term Reports. Thos. Raymond's Reports. Termes de la Ley. {Vide Charlt. T. U. P.) Theobald's Act for the Amendment of the Law. (b) Overton's Tennessee Reports are frequently referred to by this abbreviation. (c) Cowel, in his Interpreter verb. Reveland is of opinion that even Lord Coke, (1 Inst. 86,) did not understand the meaning of the above abbreviation. It is used in Domesday Book, and by several of the Law writers. 3 Tyrell's Hist. Eng. Intro- duction, 49. (ff) These Reports are cited as Durnford and East, or Term Reports.