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MOO MONTESQUIEU, BARON CH. L'Esprit des Loix avec les Notes, etc. 12mo. Paris. 1843. The French editions of the above are numerous. In 2 Dupin's Camus, 25, may be found an enumeration of them, and the commentators upon the Spirit of Laws. — — . The Spirit of Laws ; to which is prefixed a Me- moir of the Life and Writings of the Author; translated from the French. By Nugent. 7th ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia: from the 5th London ed. 1802. The composition of this work cost the author twenty years labour, and no single Treatise ever produced its writer a larger share of fame. Montesquieu is believed to have borrowed many of his thoughts from Bodin, Gravinia and Machiavelli; but granting this, and that his theory with regard to the influence of climate is untenable, ("for his fame is large enough to spare many concessions,) the Spirit of Laws will still remain, not only one of the most solid and durable monuments of the powers of the human mind, but a striking evidence of the inestimable advantages which political philosophy may receive from a wide survey of all the various conditions of human society." He enjoys the reputa- tion of having invented the grand idea of connecting jurisprudence with history and philosophy, in such a manner as to render them all subservient to their mutual illustration." Wheaton's L. of N. 189; HofF. Leg. Stu. 120; Mackintosh's Intro. Dis. 65; Butler's Horse Jurid. 65, n. MONYPENNY, DAVID. Remarks on the Poor Laws, and the Method of Providing for the Poor in Scotland. 2d ed., greatly enlarged. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1836. " The Treatise, throughout, is distinguished by sound and discrimi- nating views, and is, altogether, such as the talents and experience of the high quarter from which it comes might have led us to expect. On both sides the Tweed, the work of the much respected Judge will be found invaluable." Edin. Rev. No. cxx. ; 2 Ed. L. J. 4.32, 522. MOODY, W. Crown Cases reserved for Consideration, and de- cided by the Twelve Judges of England, from 1824 to 1844. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1837-44. MOODY, W. AND B. H. MALKIN. Reports of Cases argued and determined at Nisi Prius, in the Courts of K. B. and C. P., and on the Western and Oxford Circuits, from the Sittings after M. T., 7 G. IV., 1826, to the Sittings after T. T., 1 Wm. IV., 1830. 8vo. London. 1831. "They are models for Nisi Prius Reports. The points decided are 526