Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/540

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MOR Common Pleas, vol. 1, and placed after the Reports of Trinity Term, 39 Geo. III. MOORE, J. B. Reports of Cases in the Courts of C. P. and Ex. Chamber, from 1817 to 1827. 12 vols. 8vo. London. 1818-31. . A Digested Index to the Term Reports, contain- ing all the Points of Law argued and determined in the K. B. and C. P., from 1785 to 1818; continued to 1819. By T. E. Hall. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. 1819. " The first edition of this work was published in London, 1816. It was soon followed by a second edition. To the original work the Ame- rican editor has added the Cases in K. B., subsequent to E. T., 1814; and those in C. P., which have been decided since H. T. 1815. He has likewise incorporated a few references to books not comprehended in the title of this work, which, he trusts, will facilitate research." Pref. by Am. editor. MOORE, J. B. AND J. PAYNE. Reports of Cases decided in the Courts of 0. P. and Ex. Chamber, from M., 1827, to E., 1830. 5 vols. 8vo. London. 1828-32. MOORE, J. B. AND J. SCOTT. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Courts of C. P. and Ex. Chamber, and in the House of Lords, from M. T. 1831, to T. T. 1834. 4 vols. 8vo. London. 1833-34. MOORE, R. S. AND T. K. LOWRY. A Collection of the General Rules and Orders of the Courts of Q. B., C. P., and Ex. of Pleas, in Ireland, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time. 8vo. Dublin. 1842. MOORE, JACOB B. The Laws of Trade in the United States; beino- an Abstract of the Statutes of the several States and Territo- ries, concerning Debtors and Creditors. 12mo. New York. 1840. MOORE, THOMAS. An Accurate Collection of the Rules and Orders of the Courts of Ch., K. B., C. P., and Ex., to M. T., 1794. 8vo. London. MOREHEAD, C. S. and M. BROWN. A Digest of the Statute Laws of Kentucky, of a Public and Permanent Nature, from the Commencement of the Government to the Session of the Legis- lature, ending Feb. 24lh, 1834 ; with References to Judicial Deci- sions. 2 vols. 8vo. Frankfort. 1834. This Digest embraces all the Statutes of a public and permanent 528