Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/542

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MOS MORISON, W. M. The Decisions of the Court of Session, from the first Instiimion to the Present Time, digested under proper Heads, in the For-m of a Dictionary. 42 vols. 4to. Edinburgh. 1801-18. MORISON, J. H. The Life of the Hon. J. Smith. 12mo. Boston. 1845. MORRIS, CORBYN. An Essay towards Illustrating the Science of Insurance. 8vo. London. 1747. MORTGAGES. An Essay on the Law of Mortgages, in the State of New York. 8vo. Albany. 1824. MORTIMER, THOMAS. A General Dictionary of Commerce, Trade, and Manufactures, exhibiting their Present State in every part of the World. 8vo. London. 1810. This is a more commodious and better arranged, but not a more valu- able work than that of Postlethwayt." Pref. McCull. Com. Die. . A Treatise on Bills of Exchange, 8vo. Dublin. 1794. MORTON, T. C. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Chattels Personal. 8vo. London. 1837. This is an ably written Treatise, but Mr. Sugden's Vendors and Pur- chasers, surpasses it in variety and extent of learning. 12 L. O. 67. MOSELEY, JOSEPH. The Law of Inferior Courts, for the Recovery of Debts. 8vo. London. 1845. MOSELEY, W. Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chan- cery, during the time of Lord Chancellor King. 8vo. London. 1803. Moseley reports the Decisions of Lord King, and though the Cases are not remarkable for fulness or accuracy, they are of respectable au- thority. In consequence of remarljs made by Lord Mansfield, Baron Thompson, and others, in disparagement of these Reports, they were, for a long time, in disrepute. Lord Eldon, quite as good a judge of their merits, says : " That book has been brought into some disrepute by a saying of Lord Mansfield, that no man should cite Moseley. I, myself, think very differently from Lord Mansfield on that subject, hav- ing always considered Moseley's Reports as a book possessing a very considerable degree of accuracy." 5 Bur. 2629; 3 Anst. 861 ; 1 Meriv. 92; 19 Ves. 488, n; Wallace's Reporters, xxix. ; 1 Binney, 213; 2 Swanst, 195, n; 5 T. R. 560; 1 Kent's Com. 493; 12 L. 0. 523. 530