Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/546

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NEL NEALE, E. V. Feasts and Fasts ; an Essay on the Rise, Pro- gress, and Present State of the Laws relating to Sundays and other Holidays, and days of Fasting ; with Notices of the Origin of those Days, and of the Sittings and Vacation of the Courts. . 12mo. London. 1845. . The Real Property Acts of 1845, being the Acts to render the Assignment of satisfied Terms unnecessary, to Amend the Law of Real Property, to facilitate the Conveyance of Real Property, and to facilitate the Granting of certain Leases; with Introductory Observations and Notes. 12mo. London. 1845. NELSON, W. Ltx Testamentaria ; or, a Compendious System of all the Laws of England, as well before the Statute of Hen. VIIL, as since, concerning last Wills and Testaments. 2d ed. Svo. London. 1724. — — — . An Abridgment of the Common Law of England ; being a Collection of the Principal Cases argued and adjudged in the several Courts of Westminster Hall. 3 vols. fol. London. 1725. The author does not abridge Cases anterior to those in Fitz-herbert and Brooke, and he has copied pretty largely from Hughes. He treats the Year-Books as a rhapsody of antiquated law, and though an unspar- ing critic of the labours of others, his own have a general character of incorrectness. 23 N. A. Rev. 7 ; Bridg. Bib. 227 ; Pref, 13 Viner. . Lex Maneriorum; or, the Law and Customs of England, relating to Manors and Lords of Manors. Svo. London. 1735. . Reports of Special Cases argued and decreed in the Court of Chancery, in the Reigns of King Charles L, King Charles H., and King William HL Svo. London. 1717. . The Office and Authority of a Justice of the Peace; showing, also, the Duty of Constables, Commissioners of Sewers, Coroners, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the Highways, Churchwardens, and other Parish Officers. 2 vols. 12th ed. Enlarged, &c. Svo. London. 1745. — '■ . The Rights of the Clergy. Svo. London. 1732. , See Chancery ; Lutwyche, 534