Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/570

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PAU PARTIDAS. The Laws of the Las Siete Partldas, which are still in force in ihe Slate of Louisiana ; translated from the Span- ish. By L. Moreau-Lislet, and Henry Carleton. 2 vols. 8vo. New Orleans. 1820. The translation was undertaken and accomplished, under the patronage of the Legislature of Louisiana. PATCH, J. A Treatise on the Law of Mortgages; with an Ap- pendix of Precedents. 8vo. London. 182L PATER'S Laws of Landlord, Tenant, and Lodger, written in a familiar style, in the form of Question and Answer; to which is added an Appendix of Forms. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1843. PATERSON, SAMUEL. Speculations upon Law and Lawyers, applicable to the manifest Hardships, Uncertainty, and abusive Practice of the Common Law. 8vo. London. 1788. PATERSON, WILLIAM. Laws of the State of New Jersey ; Revised and Published under the Authority of the Legislature. 4to. Newark. 1800. "This edition commences with an Act, Dec. 13, 1703, and ends Nov. 21, 1799. It deserves particular consideration, as containing a complete incorporation of all such of the English Statutes, as were supposed to be in force in 1776, with such others or parts of others previously or subsequently enacted, as he deemed fit to introduce. It is supposed, so far as relates to a practical and legislative substitution of English Sta- tutes, in connection with antecedent local laws and usages, and the existing government, to be more complete in its execution than any former or subsequent attempt. Besides which, the antecedent domestic Statutes were thoroughly revised and improved, and many parts of the Common Law altered and amended." Griffith's Law Register, 1155. PAUL, JOHN. A Clear and Compendious System of the Excise Laws. 8vo. liondon. 1779. . The Laws relating to Landlords and Tenants, or Every Landlord and Tenant his own Lawyer. 9th ed. By J. I. Maxwell. 8vo. London. 1806. . The Parish Officer's Complete Guide. 8vo. Lon- don. 1774. . A Digest of the Bankrupt Laws ; or, Debtor and Creditor's Companion, &c. 2d ed. By J. I. Maxwell. 8vo. London. 1812. 558