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POW searching' and complete and gigantic in their labors. The work has become a mere appendage to the notes, and the large collections of the American editor, piled upon the vastly more voluminous commentaries of the English editor, have unitedly overwhelmed the text and rendered it somewhat difficult for the reader to know, without considerable attention, upon what ground he stands. Conati imponere Pelio Ossam, atque Ossaj frondosum involvere Olympum. 1 acknowledge my very great obligations to these editors for the assist- ance I have received from their valuable labors. 4 Kent's Com. 180, n.; 2 Mart. Com. 37; 3 Jurist, 825; 1 Bart. Conv.32 ; Co. Lit. 205 a, 237; Ang. L. I. 48. POWELL, J. J. An Essay on the Learning of Devises ; with copious Notes, and an Appendix of Precedents, and a Treatise on the Construction of Devises. 3d edition, by T. Jarman. 2 vols. 8vo. London. 1827. 3d Am. ed. 8vo. Exeter. 1822. See Law Library. " This is entitled to the student's attentive perusal, on account of the most essential points relative to the doctrines respecting the framing a devise, and the accidents to which it is incident in its ambulatory state, being collected and explained in a more regular and scientific manner than they are elsewhere to be met with. Mr. Jarman edited it with dis- tinguished ability. 2 Mart. Conv. 37; 1 Bart. Conv. 39. . Essay on the Law of Contracts and Agreements. 2 vols. 8vo. 1790. 6th Am. edition, revised and corrected. 8vo. New York. 1825. . Original Precedents in Conveyancing, with Notes, and Remarks on the Nature of the several Deeds and other As- surances contained in the Collection. By Charles Barton. 2d ed. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1810. "The collection of the late Mr. Powell is an extensive, and upon the whole, a valuable one; these also are the production of various hands, and were collected by Mr. Powell, chiefly in the course of his practice. He principally valued those of the late Mr. Bradly and Mr. Pickering, of which there are in the collection a considerable number; and in truth Mr. Pickering's forms are perhaps the best in point of variety of provi- sions, as applicable to the particular circumstances of each case, of any which have yet been offered to the public." 1 Bart. Conv, 75. POWNALL, J. F. The Pauper Lunatic Asylum Act, 8 & 9 Vict; c. 120, with an Analysis of its Provisions, explanatory Notes, and a copious Index. 8vo. London. 1845. 583