Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/603

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PRY PRYNNE, AVILLIAM. A Vindication of the Fundamental Liber- ties, &c., of England. 4tp. London. 1654. . A Legal Vindication of the Liberties of England, against illegal Taxes and pretended Acts of Parliament, lately enforced on the People. 4io. London. 1649. . A Plea for the Lords and House of Peers. 4to. London. 1658. . A Brief Register, Calendar, and Survey of the several Kinds and Forms of Parliamentary Writs. In 4 Parts. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1659-64. Whoever desires a full account of Writs of Summons, may have recourse to W. Prynne's voluminous Brief Register. Nic. Hist. Lib. G5. . Minors, no Senators. 4to. London. 1646. . Brief Animadversions on. Amendments of, and additional Explanatory Records to, the Fourth Part of the Insti- tutes of the Lawes of England, concerning the Jurisdiction of Courts ; Compiled by the late famous Lawyer, Sir Edward Coke, fol. London. 1669. See Coke Littleton, ante. . Irenarches Redivivus ; or, a brief Collection of sundry Useful and Necessary Statutes and Petitions in Parliament, (not hitherto published in print, but extant only in the Parliament Rolls,) concerning the Necessity, Utility, Institution, Qualifica- tion, Jurisdiction, Office, Commission, Oath, and against the Causeless, Clandestine Discommissioning of Justices of Peace ; fit to be Publicly known and Observed in these Reforming Times ; with some short Deductions from them, and a touch of the Anti- quity and Institutions of Assertors and Justices of Peace in other Foreign Kingdoms; together with a full Refutation of Sir Edw. Coke's Assertion, and the commonly received Erroneous Opinion of a Difference between Ordinances and Acts of Parliament, in former ages, here clearly Manifested to be then but One and the Same in ail respects, and in Point of the Threefold Assent. 4 to. London. 1648. —^— . An humble Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship- money, lately Imposed ; Written 1636, and Printed from an Ira- perfect Copy, without the Author's consent, 1641. Reprinted: 4to. London. 1643. 591