Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/612

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RAY RAWLE, WILLIAM, Jr. An Address delivered before the Law- Academy of Philadelphia. 1835. RAWLE, PENROSE, and WATTS' REPORTS. See Penn- sylvania Reports. RAWLINS, A. H. A Collection of General Orders, Rules, Means, and Suggestions, for the Remedy of sundry Abuses in the High Court of Chancery, (made in the time of Hen. VIII. , Eliz. & James,) now first printed. 8vo. London. 183L RAWLINSON, CHRISTOPHER. The Municipal Corporation Act, 5 & 6 Will. IV., c. 76, and the Acts since passed for Amend- ing the Same, &c. 12mo. London. 1842. RAY, J. A Treatise on the Medical Jurisprudence of Insanity. 2d ed., with Additions. 12mo. Boston. 1844. RAYMOND, JAMES. Digested Chancery Cases contained in the Reports of the Court of Appeals, of Maryland. 8vo. Bal- timore. 1839. RAYMOND, ROBERT, (Lord.) Reports of Cases argued and adjudged in the Courts of K. B. and C. P., in the Reigns of King William HI., Queen Anne, George L, and George II. ; with the Entries of Pleadings, published by Mr. Serjeant Wilson. 4th ed., corrected, with marginal Notes, and additional References to former and later Reports. By John Bayley. 3 vols. 8vo. London. 1790. Lord Mansfield thought the Cases in the first volume were too inaccu- rate to be relied on as authorities, having been taken when the Reporter was young, as short hints for his own use. Since that time they have received corrections and improvements by two learned editors, and Lord Mansfield's dictum, with reference to them, has been questioned. " They are peculiarly valuable to the pleader, for the many useful entries and forms of Pleadings which accompany the Cases." The Entries were published in a separate volume, fob, 17G5. 1 Bur. 36 ; 1 Kent, 488 ; 4 Clark & Fin. 7G1 ; 3 D. & E. 261. RAYMOND, SIR THOMAS. Reports of divers Special Cases, adjudged in the Courts of K. B., C. P., and Ex., in the Reign of Charles 11. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1803. RAYNER, JOHN. Readings on Statutes, chiefly those afTecting the Administration of public Justice, in Criminal and Civil Cases, passed in the Reign of George II. 4to. London. 1775. 600