Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/630

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ROM great measure collected out of the books and reports. II. It was only intended for his own private use, and never intended for public view. It is a posthumous work, which never underwent the last hand or pencil of the judicious author, and such works, though, when published, they may advantage others, yet they rarely come out to the due advantage of the author." It's superiority to the elder Abridgments consists in a more scientific arrangement of the materials, and a greater sub-division of the general heads. The obsolete titles of the law are omitted, and it con- tains a great number of Cases adjudged by the author, while Chief Jus- tice of the King's Bench, as well as Cases from the Parliament rolls, and other sources, no where else to be found in print. " In point of method, succinctness, legal precision, and in many other respects, it is fit to be proposed as an example for other Abridgments of the Law." When an opinion of Rolls was cited by Counsel, before Twisden, J., the Court remarked, "That was Rolle's opinion, it may be, when he was a student. You have in that work of his a common place, which you stand too much upon. I value him where he reports judgments and resolutions. But, otherwise, it is nothing but a collection of Year-Books and little things noted when he made his Common Place books." Rolle's Abridgment, however, is frequently cited and relied upon as an autho- rity, even by those who have never seen the volumes, through D'Anvers and Viner. 1 Bart. Conv. G9 ; 1 Mod. 273; 9 Price, G18; 23 N. A. Rev. 7 ; 4 T. R. 64 ; (5) 205 ; 1 Kent, 509 ; Hale's Pref. ; Co. Lit. 9, a ; 10 CI. & Fin. 852. ROLLE, HENRY. Les Reports de divers Cases en le Court del Banke le Roy, en le temps del Reign de Roy Jacques ; Colligees par luy mesme et imprimees par I'original. 2 vol. fol. London. 1675-76. " Rolle's Reports, as well as his other learned works, are held in great repute, from the character the author obtained in the exercise of his office as a judge during the time of the Commonwealth." Brooke's Bib. Leg. Ang. 215; 1 Sid. 465; 1 Stra. 71. ROLLE, J. A Pocket Companion to the Law and Custom of Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, Checks, Drafts, &c. 12mo. London. 1814. ROLT'S COMMERCLL DICTIONARY, fol. London. 1761. "It is, for the most part, abridged from Postlethwayt's ; but it con- tains some useful original articles, mixed, however, with many alien to the subject." Pref. McCul. Com. Die. ROMILLY, SIR SAMUEL. Observations on the Criminal Law of England, as it relates to Capital Punishments, and on the Mode in which it is administered. 2d ed. 8vo. London. 1811. 618