Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/654

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SHE SHELFORD, L. Practical Treatise of the Law of Mortmain and 'Ciiaritable Uses and Trusts, with an Appendix of Statutes and Forms. 8vo. London. 1836. See Law Library. SHEPHARD, CHARLES. The Colonial Practice of Saint Vin- cent ; containing an Abstract of the Court Acts, and the Rules of the several Courts in the Island ; also Observations on the Com- mon Assurances in general use in the West Indies. Svo. Lon- don. 1822. SHEPHERD, H. J. The Law and Practice relative to the Elec- tion of Members of Parliament, with an Appendix, containing Forms of Petitions, and the English, Irish, and Scotch Statutes on the subject, in Chronological Order. 3d ed. 12mo. London. 1836. SHEPHERD, SAMUEL. Statutes at large of Virginia, from Oct. Session, 1792, to Dec. Session, 1808, inclusive. Being a continuation of Henning. 3 vols. 8vo. Richmond. 1835-36. SHEPLEY'S REPORTS. See Maine Reports. SHEPPARD, WM. Precedent of Precedents ; or, one General Precedent of Common Assurances by deeds, &c. By T. W. Williams. Svo. London. 1825. By F. M. Van Heylhuysen. 1822. There are several other editions, but the above are the latest and best. The volume is chiefly valuable at the present day, for the concise sum- mary of the law of assurances extracted from the Touchstone, and Mridg- ment, ascribed to the same author. 2 IMart. Conv. 27 ; Preston's Conv. Pref. 20. . The Law of Common Assurances, touching Deeds in general ; viz. Feoffments, Gifts, Grants, and Leases, fol. London, 1669. . An Epitome of all the Common and Statute Laws of this Nation, now in force, wherein more than Fifteen Hun- dred of the hardest Words or Terms of the Law are explained, fol. London. 1656. This volume is dedicated to Oliver Cromwell, and though of consid- erable value, as affording illustrations of the early English law, it, to- gether with the most of Sheppard's works after the restoration, did not receive that attention which their merits entitled them to. 27 A. J. 383, n. ; 7 East. 312, n. 642