Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/691

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SWA tions, connecting history with law, and exhibiting, among other topics, the influence of the Feudal system upon the modern law of tenures. Though mucli esteemed by competent judges of their merits, they never had a large circulation, which may have been owing to the contempora- neous appearance of the more practically useful Commentaries of Sir Wm. Blackstone, The author was Professor of Law at Dublin University, wlicre, as Professor Whiteside informs us, these Lectures v,-ere read, at most, to three persons in the Law School, and were scarcely ever heard of in the University. Professor Amos notices, in terms of the highest commendation, the masterly lectures of Sullivan, delivered on the Feu- dal law, and the laws and constitution of England. The first edition was published without any references to authorities, which in the second were supplied by Dr. Stuart. The second edition was republished in Dublin, 8vo., 1790, and in this country, 2 vols., 8vo., Portland, 1805. Co. Lit. G5 a. G8 b. ; 1 Bart. Conv. 25 ; 43 Crit. Rev. 50 ; 1 Legal Rep. 300 ; Hoff. L. S. 142. SUMNER, CHARLES. Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Circuit Court of the United States for the First Circuit, from May Term, 1829, to May Term, 1839. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1836-41. " We are glad of the opportunity of noticing the excellent judgments delivered by Mr. Justice Story, and which are ably reported by Mr. Sum- ner. 16 L. O. 414; 3 L. R. 403. SUMNER, C. P. A Discourse on some Points of Difference between the Sheriff's Office in Massachusetts, and in England. 8vo. Boston. 1829. SURTEES, R. S. The Horseman's Manual; being a Treatise on Soundness, the Law of Warranty, and generally on the Laws relating to Horses, 12mo. London. 1831. SURTEES, EDWARD. A Sketch of the Lives of Lords Sto- well and Eldon ; comprising, with additional matter, some Cor- rections of Mr. Twiss' Work on the Chancellor. 8vo. London. 1846. SWAN, ROBERT. A Practical Treatise on the Jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts relative to Probates and Administrations. Bvo. London. 1830. SWAN, JOSEPH R. A Treatise on the Law relating (o the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace and Constables, in the State of Ohio, with Practical Forms. 3d ed. 8vo. Colum- bus. 1841. 679