Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/695

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TAI SWINTON, JOHN. An Abridgment of the Public Statutes in force and use relative to Scotland, from the Union in 5 Anne, to the 29ih Geo. III. 3 vols. 4to. Edinburgh. 1785-90. SYDNEY, W. R. A Treatise on the Jurisdiction and Modern Practice in Appeals to the House of Lords, and in Proceedings on Claims to Dormant Peerages. 8vo. London. 1624. SYME, DAVID. Reports of Proceedings in the High Court of Justiciary, from Nov. 1826 to 1830. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1829. SYMONS, J. The Excise Laws abridged, and digested under their proper Heads in alphabetical Order. 8vo. London. 1775. SYMONS, J. C. The Attorney and Solicitor's Act, G & 7 Vict. c. 73. With an introductory Analysis, Notes, and Index. 12rao. London. 1843. " Mr. Symons has analyzed the Act, pointed out the alterations, and quoted decisions upon the former state of the law, besides giving some forms and directions which maybe useful to clerks in seeking admis- 394. The Law of Parish Settlements, and the Practice of Appeals, containing the Law and Evidence of each Class of Settlement, and the Grounds of Objection incidental to them, &c. 2d ed. 12mo. London. 1846. SYMONS, E. W. The Laws relating to Merchant Seamen, ar- ranged chiefly for the Use of Masters and Officers in the Merchant Service. 12mo. London. SYMONS, A. The Mechanics of Law-Making, intended for the Use of Legislators, and all other Persons concerned in the Mak- ing and Understanding of English Laws. 12 mo. London. 1835. SYSTEM OF PLEADING. See Euer. TABRAM, R. The Law of Landlord and Tenant. 8vo. Stam- ford. 1823. TAIT, G. A Treatise on the Law of Evidence in Scotland. 3d ed. By A. Urquharl. 8vo. Edinburgh. 1834. . Powers and Duties of a Constable, in Public and in Private Cases ; and of a Private Person in Criminal Cases. 6lh ed. 8vo. Edinburgh. 18271 683