Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/700

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THE upon Writs into a methodical Common Place Book. In his Digesf, says Fulbeck, diligence and desire to profit is eminent. He endeavored to be like Mr. Staunford ; but he is so far distant from the delightful progress of his style and method, that he may seem to have lived in some other age, a long time before. Nic. Hist. Lib. 85 ; Fulbeck, 73. THEMIS. The American Themis. A Monthly Periodical of Jurisprudence and Judicature. 8vo. New York. 1845, Only two or three numbers appeared. THEMIS, ou Biblioihique du Juris Consulte. 10 torn. 8vo. Paris. 1819-30. THEOBALD, WILLIAM. Questions on the Practice of the Common Law Courts, with the Answers. 12mo. London. 1839. . An Elementary Practice of the Courts of Q. B., C. P., and Ex., for the Use of Law Students and Young Practi- tioners. 12mo. London. 1841. . A Practical Treatise on the Poor Laws, as altered by the Poor Law Amendment Act, and other recent Statutes ; containing t!ie Law of Poor Rales as recondy altered, of Relief, Settlement, and Removal; and an Appendix, containing a full collection of the Statutes, with Notes ; and the Forms required by Justices, Guardians, and Parish Officers. 8vo. London. 1837. . An Act for the further Amendment of the Law, 3 &; 4 Will. IV., c. 42 ; with Notes, Critical and Explanatory ; also the Interpleader Act, 1 & 2 Will. IV., c. 58 ; with Notes and all the Cases. 12mo. London. 1833. . A Practical Treatise on the Law of Principal and Surety, particularly with relation to Mercantile Guaranties, Bills of Exchange, and Bail Bonds. 8vo. London. 1832. 8vo. New York. 1836. See Law Library. " Mr. Theobald is a very sensible, and generally accurate author." 2 Chitty's Pr. 81; 8 A. J. 315; (11) 5; IlofT. Leg. Stu. 417. . The Law for Abolishing Imprisonment for Debt on Mesne Process, extending the Remedies of Judgment Credit- ors, and Amending the Law relating to Insolvent Debtors ; in- cluding the Act of Parliament, and Notes of the Decisions and Practice. 2d ed., with New Forms of Writs, &c., the Rules and List of Fees of the Commissioners of the Insolvent Debtors' Court, and other Additions. 12mo. London. 1838. 688