Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/709

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TRO TREMAINE, JOHN. Placita Coronx ; or, Pleas of the Crown in Matters Criminal and Civil, containing a large Collection of Modern Precedents, revised by John Rice, and translated into English, by Thomas Vickers. 2 vols. 8vo. Dublin. 1793. "This is the most useful book of Precedents of Crown Law now extant." Pref. 6 Wentworth's PI, TRESPASSES. A Treatise concerning Trespasses, vi et Armis. 8vo. London. 1704. TREVOR, CHARLES. Practical Illustrations of the Laws of the Customs ; with Forms and Precedents for doing Business in and out of Port, and Tables of Duties and Drawbacks. 8vo. London. 1828. TRIALS. Trials for Adultery ; or, the History of Divorces, from the Year 1760 to the Present Time. By a Civilian. 7 vols. 8vo. London. 1779-80. TRIALS FOR HIGH TREASON, ^-ee State Trials. TRIALS PER PAIS. See Dumomhe. TROLLOPE, T. A. A Treatise on the Mortgage of Ships, as affected by the Registry Acts, and on the proper Mode of effect- ing Mortgages on Property of this Nature, and on the Liabilities of the Mortgagee. 8vo. London. 1823. TROTMAN, EDWARD. Epitome of 11 Parts of Sir Edward Coke's Reports ; with two Tables. 8vo. London. 1640. " Trotman's excellent Abridgment of Sir Edward Coke's Reports." Degg's Par. Counc. in fine. TROTT, NICH. Laws of the British Plantations in America, relating to the Church and Clergy, Religion and Learning, fol. London. 1721. . The Laws of the Province of South Carolina, in 2 Parts. The first containing all the perpetual Acts in force and Use, with the Titles of all such Acts as are Repealed, Expired, or Obsolete, placed in their Order of Time. The second Part, containing all the temporary Acts in force and Use ; to which is added, the Titles of all the Private Acts, and the two Charters granted by King Charles the II., to the Lords Proprietors of Caro- lina, &c. 2 vols, folio. Charlestown. 1736. 697