Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/724

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vm matter is distributed, and from the inadequacy, and sometimes the inapt- ness of the subdivisions. Indeed, every thing appears to have been thrown into it, without any successful attempt at method or exactness. Almost every thing valuable in the old Abridgments is, indeed, to be found in it, but sometimes so ill arranged, that the search is almost as troublesome as it would be to run over the whole title in Fitz-hcrbert or Brooke. Its principal merit is its extent; and, though in some points it is redundant, in others defective, and in all irregular, it is a vast Index of the law, which time and patience can master; and it often rewards the labour when all other resources have failed." As to the authority of the Abridgment, Foster, J., says — " Brother Viner is not an authority. Cite the Cases that Viner quotes — that you may do." Mr. Hoffman observes, "that Abridgments are to be regarded with a suspicion of their accuracy ; and that the writer who abridges least is most to be relied on; hence Viner, as the repository of certain and ample information, is, perhaps, of all others, except the books of Reports, the safest for refer- ence." Furthermore, there are a good many determinations in his pub- lication, either not at all, or not so fully and accurately reported elsewhere, which are generally received as authority. The volume devoted to Evidence was separately published, of which Professor Whiteside remarks : " When a question of Evidence, of any novelty or difficulty arises, fail not to search the 12th vol., of the last edition of Viner's Abridgment." 1 Leg. Rep. 298; Pref. 18 Viner; 6 N. A. Rev. 74; (23) 9 ; 1 Co. Lit. 45, a; 3 Co. Lit. 9 a, n 3 ; W^oodesson's Elements, 175; 1 Kent, 510; Bridg. Bib. 350; 1 Burr. 364; 1 Hoff. Leg. Stu, 388 ; 2 Ves. Jr., 159 ; 1 Sch. & Lef. 380; Warren's L. S. 780. VINER, CHARLES. An Alphabetical Index to all the Abridg- ments of Law and Equity, and to several books of the Crown Law, Conveyancing, and Practice ; chiefly calculated to facilitate the References to the General Abridgment of Law and Equity, by Charles Viner, &c. By Robert Kelham. fol. London. 1758. Kelham's Index not only renders every thing in Viner easy to be found, by directing to the pages in figures, but likewise refers to Bacon, Lilly, Rolle, Sec, and to several books of the Crown Law, Convey- ancing, and Practice. Clarke. . An Abridgment of the Modern Determinations in the Courts of Law and Equity; being a Supplement to Viner's Abridgment. By several Gentlemen in the respective Branches of the Law. 6 vols. 8vo. London. 1799, 180G. The Supplement has not received the marked approbation of the Pro- fession, although some of the heads are executed with judgment. The Titles, Practice, Pleading, and Crown Law, were prepared by J. E. 713