Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/736

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WEN WELLWOOD, WM. An Abridgment of all Sea Laws, gathered forth of all Writings and Monuments which are to be found among any People or Nation upon the Coasts of the great Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. 8vo. London. 1636. Mr. Wellvvood's Abridgment of the Sea Laws is principally a collec- tion of the rules and ordinances of foreign countries. It will also be found in Malyne's Lex Mercatoria. WELSBY, W. N. Lives of eminent English Judges of the 17lh and 18th Centuries. Svo. London. 1846. 8vo. Philadel- phia. 1846. WELSH, THOMAS. Registry Cases argued and decided at Sligo during the Spring Assizes. Svo. Dublin. 1838. . Report of the Case of Feighny, and of the Judg- ment of Baron Richards thereon, as to the proper Oath to be administered to Jurors on the Trial of Registry Appeals. Svo. Dublin. 1839. WENCK, C. F. C. Magister Vacarius primus Juris Romani in Anglia Professor. Svo. Lipsise. 1820. WENDELL, JOHN L. A Digest of Cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Correction of Errors, of the State of New York; from May 1828 to May 1835 ; with Tables of the Names of the Cases re- ported. Svo. Albany. 1836. . Reports of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of Judicature, and in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments, and the Correction of Errors of the State of New York, from 1828 to 1841. 26 vols. Svo. Albany. 1829-42. WENTWORTH, THOMAS. The Office and Duly of Execu- tors; or, a Treatise of Wills and Executors. With the Supple- ment of H. Curson ; and Notes of the late Serjeant Wilson, and other Editors. 14th edition, revised and brought down to the present lime. By Henry Jeremy. Svo. London. 1829. 1st American, from the 14th London edition, with References to the English Common Law Reports, and to American Decisions, by E. D. Ingraham. Svo. Philadelphia. 1832. The authorship of this treatise is ascribed to iIr. Justice Doddcridge, tlioufrh the work is commonly known as Wenlworth's Executors. It 724