Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/743

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WHI WHITE, JOSEPH M. Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in Eiighind and Wales, G & 7 Will. IV„ c. 71 ; 1 Vict., c. G9, and 1 & 2 Vict., c. 64 ; and the Report of Tithe Commissioners on Special Cases ; with an Analysis, explanatory Notes, and an Index. New ed. 12mo. London. 1838. . The Act 2 & 3 Vict,, c. G2, to Explain and Amend the Acts for the Commutation of Tithes in England and Wales ; with an Introduction, Notes, and an Index. 12mo. London. 1840. WHITE, WILLIAM CHARLES. A Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts. 3 vols. 8vo. Boston. 1809-10. " In Mr. White's Digest, extracts from the elegant pages of Black- stone, are unceremoniously and incongruously mixed up with Statutes and reported Cases. The only criticism we recollect ever to have heard of this work, was, that it was made up of here a little Blackslone, and there a little TF/ute." 25 A. J. 332. . A View of the Jurisdiction and Proceedings of the Courts of Probate, in Massacliusetts. 8vo. Boston. 1822. WHITE, J. W. Constitutions of Otho and Othobon. 8vo. Lon- don. WHITING, SAMUEL. The Connecticut Town Officer. 8vo. 1814. WHITELOCKE, BULSTRODE. Notes upon the King's Writ for choosing Members of Parliament, 13 Car. II., being Disquisi- tions on the Government of England, by King, Lords, and Com- mons. By Cha. Morton, LL.D. 2 vols. 4to. London. 1766. "The author appears to have possessed, from his master, Lord Coke, a great fund of this branch of learning; and who, it is observed, in a comment upon a dry and confined text, conducts the reader to the deepest recesses of law and antiquity." Bridg. Leg. Bib. 23G. . Essays Ecclesiastical and Civil, containing learned and judicious Discourses on several Subjects. 8vo. London. 1706. WHITESTONE, JAS. Reading on the Statute of Murder. Bvo. Dublin. 1787. WHITMARSH, F. A Treatise on the Bankrupt Law. 2d ed., with an Appendix of Precedents. 8vo. London. 1817. 731