Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/799

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INDEX. MILITARY LAW. Bruce, Condy, De Hart, Digest, Elliot, &c., Griffith, Hough, Hughes, Military Law, O'Brien, Rowe, Samuel, Scott, Tytler. See Courts Marital. MINES AND MINERALS. Bainbridge, Concanen, Garaboa, Hol- comb, Houghton, Manlove, Mines, Pettus. See Stannaries. MINORS. See Infants. MISSISSIPPI. I. Statutes and Revisions. Howard and Hutchinson, Mississippi, Poindexter, Turner. II. Reports. Freeman, Howard, Smedes and Marshall, Walker. III. Digests. Corwine. MISSOURL I. Statutes and Revisions of. Alden, Geyer, Jones, Missouri. II. Reports, Missouri, Stringfellow. III. Elementary Treatises. Krum. MORTGAGES. Carter, Cooper, Coote, Coventry, Lex Vadiorum, Miller, Mortgages, Patch, Powell, Rouse, Trollope, Wilmot. MORTMAIN. Boyle, Duke, Highmore, Lovelass, Shelford. See Charitable Uses. MOOT BOOKS. Gregory, Hughes, Plowden, Stewart. MURDER. Jacob, Kendall,. O'Dedy, Whitestone. MUTILATION. Seton. NATURALIZATION. Hansard, Humphrey. See Mens. NATURAL LAW. Ahrens, Burlamqui, Bussard, Cumberland, Davis, Rutherforth, Sharp, Tyrrell. NE EXEAT REGNO. Barclay, Bearaes. NEUTRALS. Collection, &c., Croke, Hiibner, Jenkinson, Lampredi, War, &c,. Ward. NEW TRIALS. Graham, Grant, Morgan. NEW BRUNSWICK. Berton, Kerr. NEWFOUNDLAND. Anspach, Select Cases. NEW HAMPSHIRE. I. Statues and Revisions. New Hampshire. II. Reports. Adams, Richardson, Woodbury. III. Elementary Treatises. Bell, Fox, Probate Directory, Rich- ardson. 787