Page:Marvin, Legal Bibliography, 1847.djvu/83

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ASH AKROWSMITH, R. G. Doubts upon the reasoning of Dr. Paley relative to, and observations on, the criminal law. 8vo. a pam- phlet. London. 1811. ARS CLERICALIS; or, the art of conveyancing explained, wherein the nature and effect of such deeds and instruments by which lands are conveyed, are clearly demonstrated, with prece- dents. 2d ed. 2 vols. Svo. London. 1698. ARTICLED CLERK'S MANUAL, or Guide to their examina- tion and admission containing causes of study in Conveyancing, Equity, Bankruptcy, Common Law, Special Pleading, Criminal Law, etc. with the New Rules and Regulations for the examina- tion and admission of Attorneys and Solicitors, &c., also a collec- tion of Questions with references to works of authority in which answers may be found. 4th ed. with great additions. 12mo. London. 1844. By the preface of this Manual, it appears, that the chapters on Con- veyancing, Equity, and Special Pleading were contributed by Barristers practising in those branches of the profession. A reviewer, in 3 Jurist 30, thus speaks of the book : — " Were we the Pope, we should place this book in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum ,• but as we have not at- tained that dignity, we can only entreat Articled Clerks, if they value their reputation on the day of examination, not to take the author's state- ments for granted. Murray published a book containing specimens of false English to teach youth grammar by rectifying the errors. The pre- sent work may serve in a similar way for our legal students. This is the utmost praise we can award it." ASGILL, JOHN. Essay on the Liberty of the Press chiefly as it respects Personal Slander. 8vo. London. 1753. ASIIBY and WHITE ; or the great question whether an action lies at common law for an Elector who is denied his vote for mem- bers of Parliament, debated and resolved, with other cases. Svo. London. 1705. ASHDOWNE, J. Churchwarden's and Overseer's Guide. Svo. London, 1835. ASH, THOMAS. Fasciculus Florum ; or an handful of flowers gathered out of the several books of the Right Hon. Sir Edward Coke. 12mo. London. 1618. These flowers are a collection of the maxims of the Common Law, from Lord Coke's Reports, and the prefaces to them. 71