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BAC which remain ; for it is great reason that that which is intended to the profit of others, should be guided by the conceits of others." These max- ims are without order or regularity in arrangement, but are elaborated and expanded in an excellent manner. The author, except in the present Treatise, rarely refers to any authorities in support of his positions. " Though some great masters of the law did out-go him in bulk and particularities of cases : yet, in the science of the grounds and mysteries of the law, he was exceeded by none." Pref. to Blackstone's Anal. 5 ; 1 West's Ca. Temp. Talbot, 158 ; 1 Kent, 505= BACON, SIR FRANCIS. Charge at the Sessions holden for the range twelve miles round the King's mansion house, declaring the jurisdiction thereof. 4lo. London. 1676. . Three speeches and arguments on the post nali, concerning naturalizations of the Scotch. 4to. London. 1641. BACON, JOHN. The Town Officer's Guide, containing a com- pilation of the general laws of Massachusetts, relating to the whole power and duty of towns, districts, and parishes, with their several officers ; with a digest of the decisions in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, relating to the several subjects. To which is subjoined an extensive Appendix of Forms, for the use of town officers and individuals. 12mo. Haverhill. 1825. "The abridgments of the statutes are generally correct ; his practical forms very good, and some of them very useful." 2 U. S. Lit. Gazette, 272. . Liber Regis ; containing proper directions and precedents relating to presentations, institutions, inductions, dis- pensations, &c. 4to. London. 1786. BACON, MATTHEW. A treatise on Leases and Terms for years, with an appendix of precedents. 8vo. London. 1798. This is thought to have been extracted from a MSS. of Sir Geoff. Gilbert, and was first published in Bacon's Abridgment. It was after- wards reprinted in a separate form, with notes by Mr. Gwillim. The work contains a great deal of curious and diffuse learning, relating to leases and terms for years. 1 Barton's Convey. 33 ; 2 Blk. Com. 313, n. . The Complete Arbitrator, or the law of awards ; containing plain and easy directions to all kinds of arbitrators, with a table of the principal matters, the precedents translated, &c. 3d ed. 8vo. London. 1770. 84