Page:Marx - Revolution and Counter-revolution.djvu/162

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September 18, 1852.

The inevitable conflict between the National Assembly of Frankfort and the States Governments, of Germany at last broke out in open hostilities during the first days of May, 1849. The Austrian deputies, recalled by their Government, had already left the Assembly and returned home, with the exception of a few members of the Left or Democratic party. The great body of the Conservative members, aware of the turn things were about to take, withdrew even before they were called upon to do so by their respective Governments. Thus, even independently of the causes which in the foregoing letters have been shown to strengthen the influence of the Left, the mere desertion of their posts by the members of the Right, sufficed to turn the old minority into a majority of the Assembly. The new majority, which, at no former time, had dreamed of ever obtaining that good fortune had profited by their places on the opposition benches to spout against the weakness, the indecision, the indolence of the old majority, and of