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Mary was the most perfect among the saints only because she was always perfectly united to the will of God. — St. Alphonsus.


After the love which we owe Jesus Christ, we must give the chief place in our heart to the love of His Mother Mary. — St. Alphonsus.


When we feel our cross weighing upon us, let us have recourse to Mary, whom the Church calls the "Consoler of the Afflicted." — St. Alphonsus.


The devotions we practise in honor of the glorious Virgin Mary, however trifling they be, are very pleasing to her divine Son, and He rewards them with eternal glory. — St. Teresa.


There is nothing which is more profitable and more consoling to the mind than to frequently remember the Blessed Virgin. — St. Teresa.


Blessed are the actions enclosed between two Hail Marys. — St. Alphonsus.