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Conformity to the will of God is an easy and certain means of acquiring a great treasure of graces in this life. — St. Vincent de Paul.


Do not consider what others do, or how they do it; for there are but few who really work for their own sanctification. — St. Alphonsus.


To-day God invites you to do good; do it therefore to-day. To-morrow you may not have time, or God may no longer call you to do it. — St. Alphonsus.


To advance in the way of perfection it does not suffice to say a number of weak prayers; our principal care should be to acquire solid virtues. — St. Teresa.


Humility is the virtue of Our Lord Jesus Christ, of His blessed Mother, and of the greatest saints. It embraces all virtues and, where it is sincere, introduces them into the soul. — St. Vincent de Paul.


It will be a great consolation for us at the hour of death to know that we are to be judged by Him whom we have loved above all things during life. — St. Teresa.