Page:Mary le More, a lamentable Irish song.pdf/6

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“O the fiends!” ſhe exclaim'd. and with wild horror ſtarted
Then through the tall fern, loudly ſcreaming, ſhe darted,
With an overchang’d boſom I ſlowly departed,
And ſigh'd for the wrongs of poor Mary le More.



A New Touch on the Times.

GEORGE he is the mildeſt King
that ever ſat on Britain's throne;
Behold how wiſely he has acted,
to his ſubjects ev'ry one!

But we're of a rebellious nature,
and our minds are ne'er content;
Likewiſe, the moſt of our reflections
are on the King and Parliament.

There's Quakers, New-Lights Independents,
Methodiſts, and Swindlers too,
Thoſe minions and fanatics,
are they not a filthy crew?

Thoſe hypocrites that live amongſt us,
our religion they deſpiſe,
Empty fools, without foundation,
neither loyal, juſt, nor wiſe.