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Chitra: A Play in One Act

Cloth, 81.00; leather, 81.75

“He has given us the soul of the East disembodied of

its sensuality, and within it shines the most perfect

tribute to true womanhood and its claims.”—Pall Mall Gazette.

“The play is told with the simplicity and wonder of imagery always characteristic of Rabindranath Ta- gore.”—Cleveland Plain Dealer.

The Crescent Moon: Child Poems

Cloth, 81.26; leather, 31.75

“Comes closest to life as we know it and to the spirit of the West. . . . We can accept his lyrics of children in full comprehension of their worth, even though we

have few poets who speak with such understanding.” —The Outlook.

“ Tagore is probably the greatest living poet, and this book of child poems has the bloom of all young life upon it faithfully transcribed by genius.”—Metropolitan.

The Gardener Cloth, 81.26,' leather, 31.75

“The very stuff of imagination. . . . Their beauty is as delicate as the reflection of the color of a flower.” ——Westminster Gazette.

“The verses in this book are far finer and more gen- uine than even the best in ‘Gitanjali.’ "—The Daily News (London).

THE MACMILLAN COMPANY Publishers 64—66 Fifth Avenue New York

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