Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/104

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hands stroke now with the backs of the hands and fingers, downward over each side of the lower back and buttocks (Fig. 13 G and H).

The upper body is, of course, raised while the hands are stroking upward over thighs and hips and bent slightly backward while stroking inward and upward over the chest.

This exercise done five times will take about fifteen seconds.

Note. When stroking and pressing upward over the front part of the thigh, let the raising movement of the trunk draw the arms and hands up as far as the motion permits.

Combined with Deep Breathing

A special deep breathing exercise may be added in the following way:

Fill the lungs with air through the nose, while stroking from thighs up over sides and chest.

Retain this air in the lungs, while the hands are stroking down the back.

Exhale this air through the mouth, while bending the upper body forward in order to stroke upward over the thighs again.

Analysis and Effects of the Combined Massage Exercise No. 13

This exercise is combined in such a manner that there is obtained the movements of the arms and the bending of the trunk forward and backward, together with massage of the front of the thighs, the hips, the lower sides, the chest and breasts, the lower back and buttocks.

The movements of the body, arms and hands in applying the massage movements, exercise the muscles and nerves of the arms, the shoulders, the chest, the back, the abdomen and the hips. They also influence the abdominal organs and the heart. The nerves of the legs are stretched.