Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/123

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No. 14 A

20 sec. Massaging (stroking and pressing) straight across the upper and lower chest, as in exercise No. 14, but instead of turning, roll the trunk around in a circle.

Three times each way around is equivalent to five executions.

15 sec. Deep Breathing

Total 10 minutes

(Without considering the pauses between the massage
exercises and the deep breathing exercises.)

Practicing thus all the combined massage exercises five times each, and using fifteen seconds for the deep breathing at each of those intervals, where indicated, will require about twelve minutes, provided, of course, that the pauses between the massage exercises and the deep breathing exercises are not too long.

The five-times-limit is purely arbitrary and has been selected merely as an illustration.

Practicing all the massage exercises ten times each, and in the manner just explained, will not necessarily make the whole performance last twice as long, as when they are practiced five times each, because the time for the breathing exercises will remain the same.

When explaining in the detailed description how special deep breathing can be done during the practice of massage exercises Nos. 5, 7 and 13, it was with the particular intention that this should be done chiefly in instances where one or two of these exercises are practiced separately and when the performer has only a few minutes to spare. However, even when all the massage exercises are practiced together, Nos. 5, 7 and 13 may also be performed in that way, but in that case only natural breathing and no special deep breathing exercises should be done at the intervals.