Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/129

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ascending colon and then continuing over the transverse colon. For adhesions in the left side of the abdomen a similar movement with the fingers of the left hand is recommended. Massage exercises Nos. 10 and 3 are also here beneficial.

In order to relieve the bowels of their distension, one doctor in New York advocated massaging the abdomen thirty hours after operations for appendicitis and hernia.


Reference is here made to massage exercises Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14 and 14 A, as well as to all the deep breathing exercises.

They will stimulate the secretion of the bile from the blood and cause readier transformation of excess sugar into glycogen.

The massage exercises are also beneficial for hepatic engorgement.


All the massage and deep breathing exercises are recommended for the reason that they cause an increased oxygenation in all parts of the body and will therefore help to prevent abnormal deposits of sugar.



Massage exercises Nos. 2 and 14 are here especially referred to as well as all the deep breathing exercises.

Convalescence from pneumonia has been shortened and eased by massaging the painful muscles which are at times concomitants of lung affections.

The massaging over the chest will cause freer breathing and expectoration.

In the first stage of tuberculosis all the massage exercises