Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/131

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(NeuritisNeuralgiaSciaticaGeneral Nervousness or Neurasthenia)

In any kind of nervous disease of a mild character, all the massage exercises and the deep breathing exercises might be practiced two or three times a day.

For neuritis or neuralgia in the arms, massage exercise No. 2 can be practiced, after the acute stage has passed.

For facial neuralgia, massage exercise No. 1 is recommended, with stroking from each cheek instead of from the temple.

In sciatica, massage exercise No. 3 is beneficial; if the attack is severe exercise No. 3 A may be used.

In cases of general nervousness or debility resulting from overwork, strain or other cause, all the massage exercises can be used from ten to twenty minutes two or three times a day, according to the condition of the patient.

In cases of partial paralysis of an arm or leg, exercises Nos. 2, 3 or 3 A may be used respectively.


All the massage and deep breathing exercises are recommended.

If most pronounced, about the waist, reference is especially made to massage exercises Nos. 3, 3 A, 5, 7, 10, 11 and 14 A.

In the case that the heart and other organs are not especially affected, the performer may practice these massage exercises with a strong pressure for twenty minutes or more, or until practically tired out.


Although all the massage exercises may here be used with benefit, Nos. 6, 8, 13, 5 and 1 are especially referred to.