Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/26

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The chief characteristics of the exercises presented in this book is that scientific or medical massage movements (not mere rubbing) have been combined with the essentials of preliminary gymnastic exercises, such as for instance, bending, stretching and circulating movements of the arms, the bending of the body (trunk) backward, forward and to the side, turning and rolling it to the right or left, and bending and stretching the legs.

By this combined application of the massage movements with the movements of the body, there is also obtained the benefit of the essential characteristics of the Indian Yogis system or concentration exercises, so-called after the old Hindus,—the Yogi. For example, one of their exercises consisted of placing the backs of the hands on the back, and by concentrating the mind on the muscles of the arms a stationary pressure was exerted on that part of the body. Another consisted of clutching the hands firmly (with arms at sides) and rising up on toes, at the same time concentrating the mind on the muscles of the arms and legs. The Yogis also practiced other exercises, in which the hands exerted a stationary pressure on other parts of the body and against a wall.

The few more or less fantastic systems of exercise presented during the last fifty years, which consist mainly in producing an imaginary resistance to the muscles by will power only, originate from the Indian Yogis.

In the exercises presented in this book a natural, better and more agreeable resistance to the muscles of the legs, arms and