Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/35

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gastric juices will be stimulated and cause the entire digestive system to be in its best condition for the reception of food. It is best not to do any violent exercising within at least three-quarters of an hour after a substantial meal has been taken.

If the massage exercises are practiced for about ten minutes without too much exertion, just before going to bed, it will prove beneficial to sleep.

Before and after a bath in the ocean is also an opportune time for doing the exercises.

It is not intended to convey the impression that all the combined massage exercises must necessarily be performed three times every day, although this might be very good under proper circumstances. They should be done, however, at least once a day, although adherence to this rule may not be feasible at all times. For instance, on a very hot day, with a high degree of humidity, when continual perspiration is induced, it may seem desirable to omit them. However, if only one or two massage exercises are done in the morning it is advisable that all of them, with the breathing exercise, at the intervals, be practiced at least five times each later in the day. Ten times each would be better.

In addition, the special and general deep breathing exercises should be practiced separately for about five minutes once or twice daily.


Each exercise should be done in one uniform rhythmical movement.

The room should be aired, the window open, if this is possible without incurring draught or without too great a drop in the temperature.

One is not likely to take cold when exercising but it is well to dress quickly upon completion of the movements. Of course in the winter the room may be warmed.