Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/51

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finishes over on the left side, with the fingers moving between the crest of the ilium, or hip bone, and the lowest border of the ribs. The left hand with the back of the palm preceding, at the same time strokes across the lower abdomen just underneath the umbilicus or navel, and over to the left side, where it is released simultaneously with the right hand (Fig. 3 F).

Now stroke over the left leg, hip and abdomen in a similar way, but of course with this difference; that here the left hand strokes upward over the outer side of the leg, over the left hip and across the stomach from the left, above the right hand. The latter moves from the inner side of the leg, across the lower abdomen below the left hand. In other words, the left hand massages over the left leg and side and from the latter across the abdomen in the same way as the right hand does on the right side, and likewise the right hand massages over the left leg and side and from the latter across the abdomen, in the same way as does the left hand on the right side.

This exercise done five times will take about half a minute. If counting each time when commencing to stroke each leg it will be ten counts.

Note I. The raising of the trunk should be the force, which here pulls the arms and hands over the leg.

Note II. In bending to massage upward on each leg, the latter can also be bent and raised as high as possible. In that case the leg is pushed downward through the hands, while these are pressing on it, the muscles of the thigh or hip thus being exercised and influenced more than if the leg is raised or bent only a short distance. On the contrary, if the leg is placed only slightly forward with but little flexion of the knee, as explained in the detailed description, the upper body has to be bent further downward in order that the hands reach the lower leg at the ankle. In this way, the muscles of the abdomen and back are exercised and influenced to a greater extent.