Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/53

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They also exercise the liver and other digestive organs and have a beneficial influence on the heart. They stretch the nerves in the spine in a natural way.

The massage influences the muscles, nerves and vessels of the legs and the abdomen, also the lower point of the liver, the pancreas, the stomach, the intestines, the different abdominal nerve-plexuses, the appendix and the organs of the pelvis. The heart is influenced indirectly through the circulation of the blood.

This exercise is beneficial for pain and weakness in the legs, caused by diseased conditions of the nerves, as in sciatica, partial paralysis, etc. (See Supplement, page 92.) It is especially beneficial for disorders in the digestive system, as in chronic or habitual constipation, gas in the stomach, etc. (See Supplement, page 88). It is beneficial to the generative organs in women. It is especial beneficial for professional dancers and runners and people whose profession causes great strain on the legs.

It should be remembered that in this and all the other exercises where the abdominal organs are massaged, it is important not to let the hands go over the ribs and the upper abdominal cavity at the same time. The digestive organs cannot be properly reached and influenced in this way. Especially is this the case if the hand strokes in a perpendicular position, that is, with fingers pointing downward and not transversely. Even if the hands were stroking over the abdomen, underneath the ribs in a perpendicular position, this would not be sufficient for the reason that as much pressure can not be exerted in this way as with the hands in a transverse position. It would also cover too many organs at one time to make a sufficient impression upon them.