Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/67

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Inhale the air through the nose, while stroking upward over the legs and hips and raising the upper body.

Exhale this air through the mouth while stroking and pressing across the body from sides, and while the upper body is being bent slightly forward.

Inhale again through the nose, while stroking inward and upward over the chest, and while the upper body is being again bent upward and slightly backward.

Retain this air in the lungs while the hands are moving down the spine, back and buttocks.

Exhale this air through the mouth, while the body is being bent downward, in order to repeat the exercise.

If special or general deep breathing exercises are practiced between each massage exercise, natural breathing during this exercise will be sufficient. In the event that the reader has little available time and may wish to practice some deep breathing and exercises for a few minutes, this combination will be found admirable.

Analysis and Effects of the Combined Massage Exercise No. 5

This exercise is so combined that there is obtained the movements of the arms and the bending of the trunk forward and backward together with massage of the back and sides of the legs, the hips, the sides of the upper body, the chest and breasts, the abdomen and lower back, and the buttocks.

The movements of the trunk, arms and hands, in applying the massage movements, exercise the muscles and nerves of the arms, the shoulders and the entire upper body, including the abdomen. The organs of the latter are influenced in the same way. The muscles of the legs are here not exercised to the same extent as in exercise No. 3, but if the legs are kept straight in bending the trunk forward the great sciatic and other nerves