Page:Massage & exercises combined (second version).djvu/96

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Note. Women may use the palms of the hands, with the fingers outstretched and close together, when beating over the chest. Inhale the air while the upper body is being bent backward, exhale while it is brought forward to an upright position.

This exercise done five times will take about ten seconds. If counting every time when commencing to beat upward over the abdomen, it will make five counts.

Analysis and Effects of the Combined Massage Exercise No. 11

This exercise is combined in such a way that there is obtained the movements of the arms and the bending of the upper body backwards, together with the beating of the abdomen and of the chest.

The beating, which in massage is called tapotement, stimulates the nerves and contracts and stimulates the muscles, if the blows are given very lightly and quickly. Stronger and harder blows cause a benumbing effect upon the nerves, and should therefore be avoided.

The movements of the trunk and the arms and hands, in applying the beating, exercise the muscles and nerves of the arms, the shoulders, the back and the abdomen.

The beating influences the nerves, vessels, organs and muscles of the abdomen and the chest. It stimulates the heart and loosens the execretion from the lungs.